Villanueva de Córdoba

Street level
Created at 11/11/2020 and updated at 03/11/2023
If you want to see all the charge points in real time, please click on the map and follow the link


See the status of the charging points in real time.
To get an over overview of all the charge points, please click on the map above. It will take you to our interactive Map


10 Calle Quevedo 14440
En el parking ubicado en la Calle Quevedo, junto al centro de Salud de Villanueva de Córdoba
App Recarga Orbis
Charge Price


See the status of the charging points in real time in our app


Connected to Electromaps
Many charging stations actually require a pass to be activated. The electropass is a universal access solution that allows you to charge your electric vehicle on a maximum of charging networks.


22 kw
Works with the Electropass


The map only shows the charging points of this location, if you want to see all of them and move freely, use our webapp



cargando perfecto a 11,8 q es lo q da la moto de maximo. Bien por Villanueva de Córdoba.


todo muy bien y además gratis


Funciona perfectamente a 22kw hay que llevar tu propio cable, hay que descargarse la app mirando el qr del cargador y registrarse para activarlos pero una vez registrado se activan fácil y son gratis durante las primeras 4h. Genial!


no se conecta ni queriendo me falta hacer un curso


Funciona de maravilla, es gratuito. El horario para estacionar es de 9 a 22h. Hay que darse de alta en la App Orbis, es fácil de instalar y de usar.


Recarga y parking gratuito. 2 cosas importantes, el parking, donde se encuentran los puntos de recarga, tiene horario de 9 a 22 y la otra es que hay que descargar la aplicación, registrarse y además para hacerlo funcionar he tenido que reservar, en la aplicación, en el mismo momento el cargador a utilizar y acercar el móvil al punto de recarga, si no no se ponía a recargar el coche.


Funciona perfectamente, cargado 2 veces sin problemas.


Funciona pero a veces se queda “no disponible” y a 200m está el ayuntamiento y lo pueden resetear. Hay que descargar la app ORBIS y registrar el coche (marca, matrícula) usuario (datos domicilio etc) y todos los detalles. El cargador es gratis así que NO Hace falta cargar con saldo la cuenta. Yo he cargado hoy 4 horas a 11kw y me dejo batería llev sin coste. Puse 10€ de saldo y no se gasto nada.


Después de 30 minutos se desconectó y aparece como no disponible


Cargando a 11Kw mi Model 3


YA están disponibles estos puntos de recarga.


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Villanueva de Córdoba is a charging station located in Villanueva de Córdoba, Córdoba. This charging station has a total of 1, of which 0 are fast charge connectors.
It was added on 11/11/2020and last updated on 03/11/2023.
We recommend that you consult the photos and comments posted by our community, as they provide useful information about the charger's condition. Once your charging session is over, you can add your own comments and photos to help other users and drivers decide where and how to charge their electric vehicle next time. 
Villanueva de Córdoba isn't the charging point you need, check at the bottom of the page for your nearest charging point under "nearest charging points" and you'll see a list of other electric vehicle charging points nearby, along with their location in a parking lot, above ground and their distance in KM.
In the charging station information section, you can view everything you need to charge your vehicle. The exact address of the charging point Villanueva de Córdoba is available, as well as directions on how to get there, the price of charging at this point and instructions on how to easily charge your vehicle.
For real-time status of charging points in Villanueva de Córdoba, Electromaps provides real-time charging point information in the application. 
If this Villanueva de Córdoba charger isn't right for your car, there are other solutions. You can check out other chargers in Villanueva de Córdoba or travel to other cities such as  Córdoba, Unknown city (temporary), Montilla, as they are nearby and located in Córdoba.