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New Electromaps Update: Discover the features!

Explore the new Electromaps web version! Payment methods management and new features for an optimal experience.

Sales of electric vehicles in Europe in the first quarter of 2024

Vehicle registrations in Norway, Sweden, the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain: Discover the trends at the start of the year!

Sales of electric vehicles in Europe in the second quarter of 2024

Vehicle registrations in Norway, Sweden, the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain: Discover the trends !

Electromaps' Electric Adventures: A 600 km Journey Full of Obstacles

Discover the electric adventures of Electromaps on a 600 km journey full of obstacles. An enriching experience and tips not to be missed!

The used electric vehicle market: trends and opportunities

Discover the trends and opportunities in the used electric vehicle market: comparison with new, analysis of the market and buying behavior, Electromaps tells you all!

Fast charging and EV battery life: Analysis

Deciphering the impact of fast charging on the range and longevity of electric vehicle batteries. Everything you need to know is on Electromaps!
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We provide leading-edge smart charging services for EV drivers and Charge Point Operators alike, be they companies, municipalities or utilities. Our vision is a clean, carbon-free future with silen